2013-05-13 00:00
(四川省双流县第二人民医院麻醉科 四川 成都 600213)
【摘要】目的 观察丙泊酚与依托咪酯麻醉用于小儿腺样体增生减容术的有效与安全性。方法 选择本院40例3~7岁准备行腺样体增生减容手术的患儿,随机分为两组,丙泊酚组(P组)与依托咪酯组(E组),每组20例。监测患儿入睡时间、警觉与镇痛评分(OAA/S)5级持续时间、清醒时间、术前、诱导后、手术开始、术毕和术后5 min各时点心率(HR)和平均动脉压(MAP)的变化,并对血液动力学指标进行分析比较。结果 两组患儿术中OAA/S均为4~5级,且入睡时间相比较无统计学意义。两组OAA/S分级中5级持续时间和清醒时间相比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。在麻醉诱导结束后5 min P组的MAP明显低于E组, HR较E组快,且两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05),术后5 min MAP与E组相比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。术后E组4例出现恶心呕吐,占20% ,P组1例,占5%。两组相比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论:丙泊酚与依托咪酯用于小儿腺样体增生减容术均安全可靠,但丙泊酚更有利于术后平稳清醒及拔管。
Comparison of Propofol vs Etomidate Anesthesia for Volume Reduction Surgery in Children with Adenoid Hyperplasia
DING Xiao-dong ( Department of Anesthesiology, Second People's
【Abstract】Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of propofol and etomidate anesthesia for volume reduction surgery in children with adenoid hyperplasia. Methods 3 to 7-year-old Totally 40 pediatric patients ( aged 3~7 years old ) scheduled for volume reduction surgery of adenoid hyperplasia in our hospital were randomly divided into propofol group (group P ,n=20) and etomidate group (group E ,n=20). The time tofall asleep, the duraction of 5 grades of alertness/analgesia score(OAA/S), consciousness time, heart rate(HR) and mean arterial pressure(MAP) before surgery, after induction,the beginning and end of surgery and 5 min after surgery were monitored. Hemodynamic parameters were analyzed. Results Intraoperative OAA / S of patients in two groups was grade 4 to 5 , and there was no significant difference in the time to fall asleep between two groups. There was no significant difference in the duration and consciousness time at grade 5 of OAA/S between two groups(P> 0.05). MAP in group P 5 min at the end of anesthesia induction was obviously lower than that in group E, and HR in group P was faster than that in group E,and there were significant difference between two groups (P <0.05).There was no significant difference in MAP 5 min after surgery between group P and group E(P> 0.05). Nausea and vomiting after surgery occurred in 4 patients of group E(20%) and 1 patient of group p(5%), but there was no significant difference between two groups(P> 0.05). Conclusion Both propofol and etomidate for volume reduction surgery in children with adenoid hyperplasia are safe and reliable, but propofol is more conducive to the stability, consciousness and extubation after surgery.
【Key words】 Adenoidectomy; Propofol; Etomidate
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 选择本院2009年3月至2012年9月耳鼻咽喉科行小儿腺样体增生减容术之患儿40例,ASA分级为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,随机分为两组。丙泊酚组(P组)20例,其中男11例、女9例,年龄3~7岁,体重14~
1.2 麻醉方法 术前常规禁食6h,禁水3~4h以上,麻醉前30min用东莨菪碱0.01mg/kg肌肉注射。入手术室后采用迈瑞多参数监护仪常规监测血压(BP)、心率(HR)、心电图(ECG)、脉搏血氧饱和度(SPO2)、呼吸末CO2 分压(P ETCO2)。麻醉诱导用咪达唑仑0.1mg/kg,芬太尼0.02mg/kg,顺苯磺酸阿曲库胺0.15mg/kg, P组用丙泊酚2.5mg/kg,维持丙泊酚(0.1~0.15)mg/(kg·min)微量泵持续输入; E组用依托咪酯(10~15)ug/(kg·min)微量泵持续输入直到手术结束,术中根据生命体征对给药做适当速度与量的调整。在排除输液过多及失血等因素前提下,若平均动脉压(MAP)高出或低于基础状态25%则视为麻醉过深或过浅,术毕停药。
1.3 评价标准及观察指标 记录术前、诱导后5min、手术开始、术毕和术后5 min时点HR和MAP。同时测定患者神志清醒/镇静状态,按照OAA/S分级:1级为完全清醒且警觉,5级为入睡或者意识消失。术中OAA/S测定间隔时间为5min。记录患儿达到5级状态时间即为入睡时间。手术结束后将患儿送至麻醉恢复室(PACU)同时继续记录生命体征,OAA/S中5级持续时间、1级出现时间(即清醒时间)。并记录术后不良反应如烦躁,恶心呕吐等发生情况。由于部分小儿比较娇气,性格差异以及对其亲人的依赖性比较大,有时哭闹性质不便确定,故轻微哭闹未做统计学研究。
1.4 统计分析 采用SPSS11.0统计软件进行处理,计量资料以均数±标准差(